Help for disabled person needed

Hi, My name is Tomasz Ciborowski, 39 years old, and I am person in need.

There was a time when I lived full of life. I had my great projects and prospects. I even had my small business.

Certificate of disability

Unfortunatelly in 2009 mental and neurological disease has developed and since that time I struggle with disability and life. I have state registered disability as you can see on scan of the certificate. I am handicapped person. I have very serious problems with processs of thinking, functioning, living - making ordinary everyday life things. Even simplest things such as beard shaving are getting too difficult for me. I suffer from depression. My monthly income (about $80) comprises of temporary social benefit but my costs of living are higher ($350). My family, parents, give me some support, as much, as they can, but they're getting old and one day they will pass away leaving me behind without any material support. Then I'll become homeless. This is why I'm begging you about any help. If you are able to and want to donate please do so. I'll be very graceful.